Thursday, May 6, 2010

Work It, Baby

If you have a job without any aggravations, you don't have a job. ~Malcolm S. Forbes

hey, guess what? today is my 8th year anniversary working in this organization!! *woot!* *woot!* i kennot billivit! (sebut macam Leo from Little Einsteins ;p). in the early days i just give myself 2 years max to work here and live in Perlis. being a Penangite & with family who just moved to KL, i never imagined i would end up living in the most upnorth state. hehe...but Allah has a better plan for me.

if it's not because i work & live here, i wouldn't probably manage to hold a Masters Degree (alhamdulilah...).

if it's not because i work & live here, i wouldn't probably get the chance to visit Japan (it's just a short yet memorable trip!) & travel around the country.

if it's not because i work & live here, i wouldn't probably meet my soulmate, mr bobo (eceh...gatai!).

i say probably...

eventually, i just go with the flow and here i am until now, tetap & berpencen. hahah! anyway, i agree with Mr Forbes. it's just part & parcel of work especially for those who are working in human resources dept. like moi. manusia kan macam2 ragam. gila pangkat, gila kuasa, kaki ampu, kaki mengular etc2. hmm...whatever it is, i should praise to Allah, i don't have to work like these women below. so, everytime i feel stressed out, i should think of these women. hahahha! bersyukurlah!

(pic from mrgugel)

p/s: this is a pre-typed entry. today i'm in KL attending a meeting. (ber'job anniversary' di KL ahkak tahun ni ;p). and btw, tomorrow is bobo's b-day! ;D

1 comment:

cek said...

uih setia sungguh! hehe